If Word Styles are customized differently for each stitch object but have the same name, position 1 stitch objects style will overwrite all other stitch objects styles with the same name, providing the master template doesn’t have a style with the same name because that style will overwrite all others. So basically, position 1’s style in the stitch order takes preference (if the styles names are the same).
When one or more styles need to exist in the stitch objects, it is suggested that the styles be created and customize with unique names in each stitch object. When all objects are stitched together, it will utilize the style that was applied in that specific object and will not be overwritten by any style due to the name being unique.
If the same styles across the master and all stitch objects are needed, it is suggested that style sets in the master template (get a baseline) should be created, customized and then imported into the stitch objects which ensures consistency and allows the designer to use those styles in the stitch objects during design time. If one object needs a customized style, create it inside the object and name it uniquely.
Stitch = the action/process of a template being merged/injected into another template.
Object = template in the stitch process.
Stitch objects = collective noun of templates being used in the stitch. Position starts at 1 onwards.
Master = template that the objects get stitched into. Position 0 in the stitch order.
Stitch order = order in which the objects get stitched into the master template.