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Merge Server Troubleshooting


Please note that this guide assumes you have installed your service with the default values e.g. port 8001 and service name set to QorusService. If you have changed these values, please ensure that you use your custom values when troubleshooting.

Confirm the service is available and started

The first step in troubleshooting the merge service is to make sure that the template service is running and available.

On the merge server, open an IE browser window and enter the service url. Assuming a default port of 8001, this should resemble the following:

If successful, you should see the following:

If there are any configuration errors, they will be displayed in your browser window and you might need to perform one or more of the following troubleshooting steps.

Ensuring that authentication is properly configured

Open IIS on the server and locate the service under the list of available sites.

Next, select ‘Basic settings’ on the right and click the test settings button to ensure the credentials are correct.
If you have created a dedicated application pool (recommended) also verify that it is selected as the application pool for this site.

Once this is confirmed, open the “Authentication” tab and select “Anonymous authentication”. Select the edit option on the right-side pane and confirm that the credentials that are stored here are correct. You will be required to re-enter your password.

After any changes to your authentication settings, please restart the QorusService site and retry step 1 (“Confirm the service is available and started”)

Confirm required protocols are enabled

If you have opted to enable protocols other than ‘http’ for the merge server, confirm that these protocols are enabled on the merge service site. Select ‘Advanced settings’ on the right-side pane and then check the “Enabled protocols” property. A merge service installed for http, https and net.tcp should be configured as per the screenshot below:

Next, select the “Bindings” option on the right and confirm that the bindings are correctly saved. The screenshot below illustrates this for a service configured for all three protocols.

Ensure that required components are installed

If you are still experiencing problems connecting to the service, please ensure that the following components are installed:

·         WCF Activation (installed as a Windows Server feature)

·         IIS 6 Management Compatibility

You may refer to the “Requirements” section of this document for more details on these components.

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