Business Rules can be edited or deleted via the right side pane.
Editing a Business Rule and it’s Instances
Business Rule conditions cannot be edited when Instances are edited; only when the actual Business Rule is edited can the conditions be altered. When a change to a Business Rule is made and confirmed, the product applies those changes to the Instances of that Business Rule.
Click on a Business Rule,
Click “Edit”.
The name, expression, operator and criteria can be changed when editing the Business Rule.
If an Instance is edited, all that can be changed is what Business Rule the instance applies too. So the instance will move to the new Business Rule specified.
Click on an Instance,
Click “Edit”.
The Expression and Criteria (condition) cannot be altered.
Change the instance, then confirm.
Deleting Business Rules and their Instances
Deleting a Business Rule will remove all the instances of it. Whereas deleting an Instance of a Rule will only remove the Instance, allowing the Business Rule to be reused.
Click on the Business Rule or Instance of it and then click the delete button.
Alternatively you can use the contextual menu items in the pane by selecting the desired business rule and then right-clicking to bring up the contextual menu.