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Word shape corruption when using Content Sections

If an error message gets thrown stating; “A technical error has occurred, please contact your administrator: Unable to open document (location to temp file) as it is corrupt” when testing a template, this corruption could be caused by either two things:

  •  If many Word shapes live in the template, this type of issue might be encountered.

 The best way to prevent the document from corrupting is by splitting up the main template (with the shapes in it), into logical sections (if possible). Do this by creating the sections in new templates, so each section is a different template. Add the necessary fields and other features to each template and make sure they are all published in the SharePoint site. In the main template add each of the sections (templates) into the main template as content sections. This should prevent the document from corrupting when merging.

  •  If a shape or text box has a content section inside it and that content section contains shapes or text boxes it will corrupt the merged document.

 This unfortunately cannot be done. Microsoft Word does not allow shapes within shapes.

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