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Recommendation on what to do before creating a template based on a Word Document or PowerPoint Slide

If your company are planning on building templates based on a mocked up .docx or .pptx, it is advised to run it through the built in Office feature; "Check for Issues" before actually creating the template.

This will help alleviate potential corruption issues that might occur when the template is merged. Running this tool inside the document or slide "levels out" the XML that makes up the document or slide as much as possible in turn making it before adding QDG features to it.

Follow these simple instructions:

1. Open your document/slide on the file system.

2. Click on the "FILE" menu in the document.

3. Make sure the left side "INFO" tab has been selected and then click on the "Check for Issues" drop-down.

4. Select the first option "Inspect Document for Issues".

5. Make sure the minimum issues that are inspected, are:

i.) Custom XML
ii.) Invisible Content

The other options are up to the user.

6. Click inspect and correct the issues Office finds.

7. After this has been run on the document/slide, it can now be used to base the template on.

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